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SPT Labtech mosquito®

Our innovative mosquito positive displacement pipetting solutions combine the power of miniaturization and automation to reduce costs, improve productivity, and maximize research output. # Liquid Handling

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High performance at a fraction of the volume


mosquito’s unique nanolitre liquid handling technology enables you to perform ‘traditional’ liquid handling tasks at a fraction of the volume, and at higher speeds. The instrument uses positive displacement, disposable micropipettes to handle low volumes of liquid in plate to plate, or intra plate transfers using contact dispensing. Each of mosquito’s disposable micropipettes has its own individual piston, not an air gap or system liquid, for true positive displacement pipetting.


Realize the benefits of the genomics revolution


As Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) costs have reduced, NGS sample numbers have dramatically increased leading to a sample and library preparation bottleneck. Harnessing automation and miniaturization enables researchers to realize the full benefits of the genomics revolution. Our solutions dramatically improve productivity and reduce cost per sample for applications such as PCR, quantification and normalization, synthetic biology and a range of NGS library preparation methods supporting single cell genomics, transcriptomics, microbiome and metagenomics, agbio, clinical genomics and pathogen surveillance.



mosquito® LV genomics

mosquito® HV genomics

mosquito LV genomics also offers high-performance and versatile miniaturization of molecular biology methods with exceptionally accurate and precise multi-channel pipetting from 25 nL to 1.2 μL. mosquito HV genomics offer highly accurate and precise multi-channel pipetting from 500 nL to 5 µL allowing genomics researchers to benefit from miniaturization across a range of applications, irrespective of liquid class. The instrument’s pre-sterilized disposable pipettes eliminate cross-contamination and maintain data integrity while the rapid plate-to-plate pipetting motion and tip exchange maximize speed and efficiency.
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Automate protein crystallization screening


Automated systems for protein crystallization screening are unlocking the potential of crystallography-based structural biology.


mosquito® Xtal3

mosquito® LCP

mosquito® crystal
mosquito Xtal3 combines speed, accuracy and performance in crystallization drop set up. The instrument enables researchers to use smaller volumes of precious protein samples without risk of contamination and automate popular protein crystallization screening techniques to accelerate research. mosquito LCP for membrane protein crystallization enables accurate, reproducible automation for liquid cubic phase (LCP) set-ups. The innovative positive displacement technology overcomes the common problems encountered with accurately dispensing the highly viscous LCP materials. Automated calibration of syringe and pipette positioning ensures precise drop-on-drop placement for easy automated imaging.

The mosquito crystal combines speed, accuracy, and high precision pipetting of nanolitre volumes with zero cross-contamination from a disposable tip. Volumes as low as 10 nL on multi-aspirate allow researchers to make the most of precious protein samples while benefiting from the adaptability to easily change methods to accommodate individual projects.

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Streamline drug discovery with miniaturized, automated workflows


mosquito systems help researchers to accelerate drug discovery and maximize research output by automating complex liquid
handling tasks at low volumes. This reduces sample, reagent, and plastic waste, and increases assay robustness.


mosquito® HV

mosquito® X1

mosquito® LV

mosquito HV delivers powerful liquid handling performance, bridging the gap between nanolitres and microlitres. The instrument offers highly accurate and precise multichannel pipetting leading to significant savings on precious reagents and time. Its positive displacement technology offers exceptional accuracy and precision, irrespective of liquid class. mosquito X1 offers precision low volume sampling of any individual well in any plate, using unique positive displacement pipetting technology. Its hit picking capability makes mosquito X1 perfectly suited for high throughput screening (HTS) hit confirmation and secondary profiling, as well as high throughput sample normalization and synthetic biology (DNA assembly). mosquito LV simplifies assay miniaturization within automated, high throughput settings. The easy to use instrument enables researchers to benefit from the significant time and reagent savings of minimal dead volumes (under 0.3 μL) and maximize return on research investment.
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We have a range of accessories available for our mosquito range. Our accessories include a cooling block, humidity chamber, LCP mixer, and more. Each accessory is designed to expand the performance of your mosquito.




For more information or ordering the products, please email us at cs@medikonia.com.