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Lonza MycoZap™ Plus-PR

Antibiotic formulation for prevention of bacteria, fungi and mycoplasma contaminations in primary cell cultures. Size: 10x1mL/ 20mL.

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Product Overview

MycoZap™ Plus-PR is a ready-to-use solution of innovative antibiotics for protecting cell cultures from a broad range of common contaminants. The special formulation of MycoZap™ Plus-PR allows a reliable and gentle protection of primary cells which are usually delicate in means of chemical robustness and usually do not tolerate high antibiotic concentrations to prevent microbial contamination. MycoZap™ Plus-PR is active against mycoplasma, but also Gram(-) and Gram(+) bacteria as well as yeast and fungi. MycoZap™ Plus-PR can be used continuously and replace the old-fashioned Pen/Strep formulation.



  • Active against mycoplasma, Gram(-) and Gram(+) bacteria as well as yeast and fungi

  • Complete solution replacing Pen/Strep formulation



  • MycoZap Plus-PR optimized for gentle protection of primary cells



10x1mL/ 1×20mL MycoZap™ Plus-PR Antibiotic

Catalog #: VZA-2021 -- 10 x 1mL

Catalog #: VZA-2022 -- 20mL

Please email us at cs@medikonia.com for any enquiry. To place an order, please include the catalog number(s) of the product(s) in the email.