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Lonza MycoZap™ Mycoplasma Elimination Reagent

Antibiotic formulation to remove Mycoplasma from contaminated cell cultures. Size: 1/5 treatment.

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Product Overview

Our MycoZap™ Mycoplasma Elimination Reagent removes detectable mycoplasma contamination in as little as four days and has been optimized to clear Mycoplasma with minimal toxic effects to the contaminated cells. The reagent employs a combination of antibiotic and antimetabolic agents and offers reliable elimination of Mycoplasma to a standard that cannot be achieved using antibiotics alone. The MycoZap™ Elimination Reagent can be used to remove a large range of Mollicutes, including Mycoplasma, Acholeplasma, Spiroplasma, and Entomoplasma, from cell cultures.

Our MycoZap™ Mycoplasma Elimination Reagent is designed to be used in conjunction with testing protocols to remove mycoplasma contamination from cell and tissue cultures. We recommend testing cultures with the MycoAlert™ PLUS Mycoplasma Detection Kit at regular intervals after mycoplasma elimination to ensure samples remain contamination free.



  • Efficient mollicute elimination by a combination of antibiotic and antimetabolic agents

  • Minimal toxic effects



  • Eradicates Mycoplasma, Acholeplasma, Spiroplasma, and Entomoplasma

  • Suited for a broad range of cell cultures



1 x MycoZap™ Reagent 1

1 x MycoZap™ Reagent 2

Catalog #: LT07-818 -- 1 treatment, for T-25 flask

Catalog #: LT07-918 -- 5 treatment, for T-25 flask

Please email us at cs@medikonia.com for any enquiry. To place an order, please include the catalog number(s) of the product(s) in the email.