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Lonza Human Liver Non-Parenchymal Cells

Human cryopreserved liver mixed NPCs cells. Catalog #: HUCNP

Product description Order information Resources Panel

Product Overview

Human Cryopreserve Liver Mixed NPCs are a native mixture of Non-parenchymal cells from human liver. These are supplied in > 1million cells/vial and can have a varying amount of the different non-parenchymal cells. 

This product is most suitable for liver cell co-culture applications



  • Native cell ratios,

  • Never passaged for close to in vivo function



ADMETox, Liver Disease, NASH



Cryo Vial


Plating Media

Lonza Hepatocyte Plating Medium


Maintenance Media

Lonza Hepatocyte Plating Medium

Catalog #: HUCNP

Please email us at cs@medikonia.com for any enquiry. To place an order, please include the catalog number(s) of the product(s) in the email.