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Norgen Urine Exosome RNA Isolation Kit

Urine Exosome RNA Isolation Kit, 50 preps. Catalog #: 47200

Product description Order information Resources Panel

A rapid procedure for the isolation of exosomal RNA from urine sample

  • Isolation of exosomal RNA molecules from urine samples

  • Rapid and convenient spin-column protocol

  • Isolate inhibitor-free urinary microRNA for any application

  • Purification of exosomal proteins for western blot analysis

  • Purified RNA is suitable for a variety of downstream applications, including Small RNA Sequencing. 


For research use only and NOT intended for in vitro diagnostics.


Urine Exosome RNA Isolation Kit

This kit provides a rapid spin column procedure for the isolation of exosomal RNA from urine samples. Users can simultaneously concentrate and isolate high quality exosomal RNA, including microRNA, for use in sensitive downstream assays such as RT-PCR, qRT-PCR, NGS, microarrays and more.  The protocol can be completed in under 30 minutes.   Urine volumes of 1 to 10 mL can be processed easily and rapidly.  All sizes of RNA are recovered at an equal rate without the need for any phenol steps.



Exosomes are 40 - 150 nm membrane vesicles, which are secreted by most cell types. Exosomes can be found in saliva, blood, urine, amniotic fluid and malignant ascite fluids, among other biological fluids. Evidence has been accumulating recently that these vesicles act as cellular messengers, conveying information to distant cells and tissues within the body. The exosomes contain cell-specific proteins, lipids and RNAs, which are transported to other cells, where they can alter function and/or physiology. These exosomes may play a functional role in mediating adaptive immune responses to infectious agents and tumours, tissue repair, neural communication and transfer of pathogenic proteins. Recent work has demonstrated the presence of distinct subsets of microRNAs within exosomes which depend upon the tumour cell type from which they are secreted. For this reason exosomal RNAs may serve as biomarkers for various diseases including cancer. As the RNA molecules encapsulated within exosomes are protected from degradation by RNAses they can be efficiently recovered from biological fluids, such as urine.


Kit Specifications


Storage Conditions and Product Stability
All buffers should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. This kit is stable for 2 years after the date of shipment.

Catalog #: 47200

Please email us at cs@medikonia.com for any enquiry. To place an order, please include the catalog number(s) of the product(s) in the email.